Maxwell Research Services is a medical/scientific information research firm which supports small to mid-size pharmas/biotechs find and organize the medical information they need throughout their organizations.
Regina Maxwell, MLIS, Principal, has over 20 years experience in Knowledge Management and Information Sciences. She helps clients by researching and delivering relevant literature in support of Medical Affairs and Medical Communications, Pharmacovigilance, Regulatory Affairs, and Clinical Development. She gives clients a competitive edge by organizing their existing literature, setting up monitoring for important new papers, and eliminating duplicate purchases. This saves clients time, frustration and money, and allows employees to focus on their real strengths. And Maxwell ensures that this is done in a copyright-compliant manner by providing systems that automatically check on copyright permissions and by educating employees about the basics of corporate copyright, thereby avoiding costly litigation.
After many years in Knowledge Management and Information Scientist roles at Wyeth, AstraZeneca and ViroPharma, Regina founded Maxwell Research Services in 2010 to assist small, growing companies overcome the knowledge management hurdles that unnecessarily hinder their paths to approval.